Apostle Garfield Curlin is a native of Cadiz, Kentucky. Through the life and prayers of his mother (Rachel Sellers) and the merciful hand of God, Apostle Curlin was saved at the age of 21. He joined the Community Church of Deliverance in Michigan City, Indiana where he served faithfully in the ministry under the leadership of his pastor, the late Elder Edward Carnes. While attending Community Church, Apostle Curlin was dedicated to prayer and was actively involved in prison and street ministries.​
As a young minister Apostle Curlin had a yearning and eagerness for the knowledge of God. He sat under the tutelage of the late Elder John Brascom, Overseer of Agape Ministries in Michigan, Indiana and the late Dr. Theresa Martin of Shekinah Glory Divine Trinity Ministries in Ft. Worth, Texas. He also visited The Prayer Tower Church in Gary, Indiana where he met the late Mother Estella Boyd of Detroit Michigan. This Mother recognized the calling and gifts in Apostle Curlin’s life and through her ministry, they were birthed out. Apostle Curlin accepted his call to ministry and evangelized with his brother the late Dr. Donald Curlin, Founder and Pastor of This is Pentecost Ministries in Sacramento, California. Throughout the early years of his ministry Apostle Curlin was mentored by his brother and the late Dr. Jesse Stacks Sr. Bishop & Pastor of Shalom Temple Ministries in Detroit Michigan.​
Upon the leading of the Lord, Apostle Curlin moved to Hopkinsville, Kentucky. As a result of a citywide crusade in August of 1985, All Nations House of Prayer was founded. God tremendously blessed Apostle Curlin in the pastoral ministry by filling every structure that the church has occupied, moving from faith to faith and glory to glory. The church started with a meager beginning, through the enabling grace of God Apostle Curlin built a 350 seat sanctuary from the ground up in 1994 and later adding a fellowship hall and classrooms. Currently the church owns approximately 27 acres of land and resides in a newly erected edifice with a sanctuary that seat approximately 900 people. This facility also includes a prayer tower, executive suites, bookstore and recording studio.​
Apostle Curlin recognizing the anointing placed on his life his willingness to obey has in return been consumed with manifestation of the Power of God. This is the same Power spoken of by the Apostle Paul when he stated: “…My preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of Spirit and of power” (Corinthians 2:4). As a faithful ambassador of Jesus Christ, Apostle Curlin has been entrusted with vision. God has opened doors and made ways for him all over the nation and continues to magnify Apostle Curlin’s legacy and spiritual gifts.​ He has been called into and operates generously in the five-fold ministry as: Teacher, Pastor, Evangelist, Prophet and Apostle.​
As God continued to provide vision, He also made provision. In 2004 Apostle Curlin not only established Light of the World International Fellowship Ministries but has been affirmed and currently holds the position as the Presiding Chief Apostle. Since 2004 there have been a number of Pastors and evangelist that have freely submitted themselves and their ministries under his profound leadership and guidance. ​​Apostle Curlin also is the Founder and CEO of Garfield Curlin Ministries. Through this ministry he conducts crusades and evangelizes throughout the United States, where lives are changed and souls are won for the Kingdom of God.​​
Apostle Curlin continues to strive for excellence and he has continued to educate himself for the building of the kingdom. On June 9, 2012 Apostle Curlin received his Doctorate of Theology from North Carolina College of Theology​ in Wilmington, North Carolina and North Alabama College of Theology. Apostle Curlin is also an accomplished author. He is faithfully married to Mary Williams Curlin and he is the father of two children, (LaTiya and David) and the grandfather of Cadence and David, Jr.